Biography of
Doris Darbasie
- 2006
- Group exhibition, Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta, Edmonton.
- Group exhibition, Artisan Centre, Flatt Gallery, Stony Plain.
- Group exhibition, Rowles and Company, Scotia Place, Edmonton.
- 2005
- Group exhibition, Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta, Edmonton.
- Group Exhibition, Society of Western Canadian Artists; ManuLife Place, Edmonton.
- 2004
- Group exhibition, Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta, Edmonton.
- 2003
- Group exhibition, Society of Western Canadian Artists; Art Beat Gallery, St. Albert.
- Group exhibition, Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta, Edmonton.
- 2002
- Group exhibition, Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta; La Cité, Edmonton.
- Franco Albertan Vision, Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition.
- 2001
- Group exhibition, Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta; La Cité, Edmonton.
- Group exhibition, Caraquet, New Brunswick.
- 2001
- Annual Art Show, The Orchid Society of Alberta; Grant McEwan College,Edmonton.
2001 . Painting On the Edge of Paradise reproduced on the front cover of A Map of the Island, a collection of poetry published by the University of Alberta Press, 2001.
- Featured on the French CBC television program ZIGZAG, which profiles
- Francophone artists across Western Canada. The show was broadcast in February 2005 and also carried on ZIGZAG’s website.
- 1st and 2nd Place, 2001 Annual Art Show, Orchid Society of Alberta; Grant
McEwan College, Edmonton. - 1st and 2nd Place, Figurative Category, 2000 Alberta Winter Games; Festival Place, Sherwood Park.
- 2nd Place, 2000 Annual Art Show, Orchid Society of Alberta; Muttart Conservatory, Edmonton.
Selected Courses in Watercolour
- 1981 – 1982 Grant MacEwan College
- 1982 – 1983 Southwest Cultural Centre, and the Edmonton Art Gallery
- 1984 – 1986 Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta.
- Society of Western Canadian Artists (Active)
- Edmonton Calligraphic Society
- Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta
- The Canadian Society of Painters In Watercolour (Associate)
- National Watercolor Society (Associate)
- American Watercolor Society (Associate)